Custom Milling
With Custom Sawing, we can make your vision a reality! Our expert millers provide top-notch service to turn logs up to 48" in diameter and 12' long into high quality pieces. Contact us now for more information - including our minimum $300 fee.

What exactly is custom milling and why would I need it?
A: Whether you've got a beloved backyard tree that had to come down or scored some amazing logs, we can turn them into lumber that can be used for your own projects or we can use it to create your dream furniture, removing the middleman between that fresh-cut log and your next gorgeous project.
Q: How long does custom milling take?
A: Most milling jobs take 1-3 days once the job starts but can vary depending on the size of your logs and weather conditions. We know that we're creating the foundation for your future masterpiece and can give you a specific timeline when we see your logs in person.
Q: What's the largest log you can handle?
A: Our mill can handle logs up to 48 inches in diameter and 12 feet long. That's about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle lying on its side (minus the wheels). If your log is bigger than that, we can generally make accommodations by trimming it down first.
Q: What should I do with my logs before bringing them in?
A: First, give them a good once-over. Remove any obvious metal (nails, screws, old fence parts) - our blades are tough, but cutting through metal scraps can damage them. Keep the logs as clean as possible by removing moss or anything that can absorb moisture. Get them off the ground, if you can. If it will be months or even weeks until we mill them, consider using Anchor-Seal to protect the exposed ends from cracking due to moisture exchange.
Q: What's this $300 minimum fee all about?
A: The $300 minimum covers setup time at the lumber yard, blade wear, and our expertise in determining the optimal cuts required to maximize each log.
Q: Can you mill my log into specific dimensions for my project?
A: Absolutely! We're not just cutting logs into random pieces - we're creating YOUR vision. Want 2-inch thick slabs for a conference table? Done. Need specific widths for flooring? We've got you. Just bring us your project plans (or even your sketches on a napkin), and we'll cut your lumber to match your dreams.